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Reset the entire form state, fields reference, and subscriptions. There are optional arguments and will allow partial form state reset.


export type KeepStateOptions = Partial<{
  keepDirtyValues: boolean
  keepErrors: boolean
  keepDirty: boolean
  keepValues: boolean
  keepDefaultValues: boolean
  keepIsSubmitted: boolean
  keepIsValid: boolean
  keepSubmitCount: boolean
type ResetFn<T> = <T>(
  values?: T | ResetAction<T>,
  options?: KeepStateOptions
) => void


Reset has the ability to retain formState. Here are the options you may use:

  • keepDirtyValues = false

DirtyFields and isDirty will remained

  • keepErrors = false

All errors will remain. This will not guarantee with further user actions.

  • keepDirty = false

DirtyFields form state will remain, and isDirty will temporarily remain as the current state until further user's action.

  • keepValues = false

Form input values will be unchanged.

  • keepDefaultValues = false

Keep the same defaultValues which are initialized via useForm.

Released under the MIT License.